"A powerful motivation for believing God in our present is intentionally remembering how He's worked in our past." --Beth Moore
Good morning! The rain has moved out for a day, and I'm seeing nothing but blue skies:) I hope you are having a shiny day too! Moore's quote above is so true. I far too seldom dwell on the faithfulness of God. How He has always been there for me, planning my life when I'm ready to call it quits. I am definitely going to spend today thinking of times when God has been working behind the scenes and shown me His unfailing love.
In 2005, I spent my summer in Romania. Raising support took off in the beginning, but then came to a halt. I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to raise enough and kept asking God why He would get me so far to have my feet come to a stop. My church had not yet provided me with support, and since they were the ones sending me, I was under the impression they would give the minimum amount that they give all members going on a 'short-term' trip. (I know...don't ever make assumptions.)
The day before I left I began panicking and seriously questioned whether God wanted me in Romania, or if my desire was so huge that I had become blind to His plan. That was when my church gave me a call. They had no idea how much money had been raised...they had no way of knowing what I needed. When the mission's director told me the amount they had chosen to support me with, I was speechless. They gave enough to put me over what was needed for my summer. God had known all along I had nothing to worry about...I needed to have a little faith.
What about you? Have there been times when your life is heading at 90 mph in one direction, and then seems to stop, or be put in reverse? How has God revealed Himself to you? Maybe you are going through a 'questioning' time right now. Are you trusting in Him or trying to take matters into your own hands?
"For You who said 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made Your light shine in my heart to give me the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ (2 Cor. 4:6). I am a chosen person, part of a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to You, God, that I may declare the praises of You who called me out of darkness into Your wonderful light" (1 Pet. 2:9).
--Inspired by "Praying God's Word," Beth Moore.
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