Monday, July 12, 2010

New Year

Good afternoon, friends! Today is my 25th birthday, and I am enjoying it with the husband while taking a holiday from work. We have already had a good morning together and I look forward to whatever else the hubby has in store for me.
Several blogs ago, I mentioned my desire to learn to pray. Not that I don't already pray, but I have it placed on my heart to be a prayer warrior. To learn what God means when He calls us to pray without ceasing. I had run across a Bible several weeks ago...a Prayer Bible...which is filled with devotionals throughout its pages and teaches how the people of the Bible prayed. However, since the day I came across that Bible, I have yet to find it again! I don't want just any Prayer Bible...that particular one was just calling out to me. I should have purchased it then, but I had it in my head that since my birthday was coming up, Zane could get it for me. Bless his heart, he has looked for it, and I have looked for it, and we just cannot find it again. So, while the searching continues, Zane got me two other books. The first is from my favorite women's biblestudy teacher: Beth Moore. Zane came across her book and knew I would love it--> "Praying God's Word." It is a year devotional...365 days of prayer, enveloping different facets of our life. I am so excited to begin this one, and of course, will include you in what I'm praying for.
The second book is written by Sarah Young: "Dear Jesus." It is focused on bringing everything before the throne of God. Young is the author of "Jesus Calling," which I have also been longing to buy, but it was a bit more expensive, and the hubs and I are trying to stay within a budget.
So, while I know Resolutions usually begin on January 1 of each year, I would like to start a resolution for my birthday. Each day, (I will continue blogging about the Love Dares as well...don't worry), for the next 365 days, I will blog about where my heart is being led to pray in my life.
"All that time I thought God was counting my sins, and He was counting my faith as righteousness instead."--Moore
If you were reading my blogs when I was going through 'So Long, Insecurity,' you already knew that I have struggled with the thought of perhaps wasting opportunities God has given me to witness; perhaps wasted so much that He will no longer grant me those moments to spread His name. Today I will focus on God's mercy and unending grace. He is no longer counting my sins against me, but longing for me to have more faith in Him. There are so many things on my heart that I have been praying for. I want to have the kind of faith that once God answers my prayers, my first thought will be to give Him the glory, knowing that only He can make things I like to say: "There are no coincidences; only divine intervention."
Have a very blessed evening! Thank you for joining me:)

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