Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I updated my template today! I hope you enjoy it. Due to the miles of sunflower fields throughout Romania...and my passion for Romania, I had to make this template mine!
By the way, good afternoon! I hope you have had a wonderful day so far. Mine is full of relaxing from here on out:) Tonight, the hubby and I will pack for our beach vacation, and then get on our way in the morning! I am so excited. Once I figure out how to upload pictures, I will share some from our trip-to-be.
Do you ever listen to worship songs in a foreign language? To me, there is nothing more beautiful on this earth to listen to than the sound of praises, in all voices and languages, singing to our Creator. Therefore, I would like to share with you my favorite song, 'Baba Yetu.' Baba Yetu is the Lord's prayer, sung in Swahili. It actually is the theme song to a video game, I believe called 'Civilization.' Can you believe it?! A video game, and as you civilize society and conquer new lands, the Lord's prayer is being sung in the background.
I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to share the video on here. So, I am asking you to go to, type in 'Baba Yetu', and listen to it! Let me know what you think of it!
Have a beautiful evening, and I will tell you later of my wonderful time to be had at the beach:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Baba Yetu....sigh. Love the new layout! Must find one of my own! Have a fabulous time at the beach my love, you will be missed!
