Thursday, April 15, 2010


I hope you are sipping a wonderful cup of green tea, or coffee if that is your choice of drink:) I am enjoying my cup right now....

A dear friend of mine has started reading through the Bible in chronological order. I need to do the same! I have read through the Bible before, but that was years ago. I have lived so much since then and seen God so clearly in my life....I bet the same passages I read so long ago would speak to me in such a different way now. And how I love reading about all the Lord has done!

Right now my friend is reading about the Isrealites being stranded in the wilderness. It does not matter how many times God reveals His glory, His abundant blessings, Himself!!! The people continue to stray, make false idols, grumble and complain. It really hits me hard.

Some of you may not know this, but each morning, I have a good hour long drive to work. You might think that is crazy, but it is actually a blessing. I do not have an antenna for my car causing the reception of my favorite radio station to not come in until I have been driving 20-30 minutes. For the last 10 months (that is how long I have been working at MTW) I have used that 20-30 minutes to pray. To speak to God. To be in His presence. Can I tell you how much I take that for granted? Back in the old testament, only Aaron was allowed to enter all the way into the Temple. Only Aaron! And there were so many things to be done first: sacrifices, cleansing, burning of incense. Since Jesus came and pardoned us for all time, we are welcome and invited to come before God's presence whenever we want! Do you grasp that? Far too often I take that for granted. I am praying for God to make me more aware of who He make me be in awe before His throne. To know WHO I'M TALKING TO! Do you understand what I mean? I cannot believe how many times my mind quickly goes to how slow the person in front of me is driving, or the poor dead deer on the side of highway 316...I am in the middle of talking to the King of Kings, and my mind wonders off to countless things! Oh, would God make me aware!

But this is not what caught me while reading through my friend's blogs of the Scripture she is studying at the moment. What caught me was how many times we forget God's provision in our lives. How often He takes care of us and we immediately forget and go on asking for something very trivial, that does not matter in this life. I do not know about you, but I pray God will make me abundantly aware of His many blessings, and I fall to my knees in Thanksgiving. I hope that as God teaches me and molds me that He will make me more and more a person filled with Thanksgiving and less and less a person who asks for material and trite things.

Have a beautiful day! May we each see our blessings and be thankful!

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