"Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life." --Ecclesiastes 9:9
This dare is all about taking delight in your spouse. Leading your heart, not following it. By taking on the previous dares: being selfless, greeting with a smile on my face, being thoughtful, etc. it will help Zane to see how much I delight in him.
"There is something just as powerful as fresh, new love (newly wed love--being excited to call your spouse your own...taking delight in that). It comes from the decision to delight in your spouse and to love him or her no matter how long you've been married. In other words, love that chooses to love is just as powerful as love that feels like loving. In many ways, it's a truer love because it has its eyes wide open" (Kendrick).
Remember why you once fell in love. For me, Zane sought me. He fought for me. He loved me unconditionally...and something very important--he wanted to be friends with my friends and build relationships with my family. He loved Jesus. He prayed for me. He prayed for our relationship. It is easy to remember why I once fell in love with Zane. He is still all those things, and more.
The responsibility is mine to love the one I promised to love forever...to do so delightfully. And as I delight in him, our marriage, and our love, will only grow more and more powerful.
Dare 14: Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse. So, Zane and I spent the evening, after our commute from Atlanta, eating together, playing with the dogs, and watching a movie. We did everything together, and did so while laughing and delighting in one another.
Dare 13: Fight fair.
Dare 12: Let the other win.
Dare 11: Cherish each other.
Dare 10: Love unconditionally.
Dare 9: Greet well.
Dare 8: Don't be jealous.
Dare 7: Believe the best.
Dare 6: Don't be irritable.
Dare 5: Don't be rude.
Dare 4: Be thoughtful.
Dare 3: Be selfless.
Dare 2: Be kind.
Dare 1: Be patient.
--Inspired by "The Love Dare."
These are the best days... sometimes I put away sewing, or cleaning or whatever for just a night and never once regret doing so :)