It has been two months since I experienced just what the Bible means when it repeatedly says "pangs of a woman in labor." I don't regret a moment of my labor. My birth story is beautiful, overflowing with God's grace. I don't know what I was thinking believing that the pain couldn't be THAT bad. I was wrong. Still, feeling every contraction and pushing out my beautiful blessing from my Father was and is indescribable.
But, this isn't to talk about my labor. This post is to talk about the beautiful gift that God allowed my husband and I to create. The beautiful gift created by the beautiful gift of love. All because God, in His grace and mercy, looked down from above, fearfully and wonderfully knitted me together in my mother's womb, planned my life, and predestined this girl from Knoxville to fall in love with an incredible man from Chattanooga, vow before God, family, and friends to love each other through thick and thin, and then He generously allowed our love to make a beautiful baby boy.
Breathtaking. I am in awe of God. I am humbled. I did nothing to deserve the life He has given me. But He wanted to give me this life anyways. All I can do in return is seek Him first, let Him pour into me so fully that I overflow Him into the lives around me, and live every day as a Song to my King.
Roman is a beautiful miracle, and you have expressed eloquently the answer to many prayers that have been prayed since you yourself were conceived.