Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Caprica's First Dog-Park Visit

Well friends, we took our new puppy to her first dog park outing!  We would have taken her weeks ago, but until she had her first trip, we wanted her to get up to date on her shots.  And before she could get her second round of shots, she had to get over her pneumonia....I know, who knew dogs got pneumonia?!

We were so excited to be taking her to the dog park.  Moxie loved the dog park.  She was the life of the party, running up to every dog and introducing herself, running up to every human and sniffing pockets for treats, and ran around like a kid at the candy store.  Moxie LOVED the dog park.  She thought everyone brought their dogs there for her to play with.  She never met a stranger.  Tongue out, drooling, bouncing around, nub wagging, Moxie was the friendliest dog you had ever met.

So with Caprica showing all the same personality traits as Moxie (with the exception of Moxie's extreme fear of cats, paper, clothes---yes, she was scared of white t-shirts) we expected her to like the dog park too. This was Caprica's first visit:

Laying down, only interested in the dirt and not the other dogs.  Granted, the other dogs weren't really playful and one dog was aggressive with her...Capri is definitely not an alpha.

She would randomly get up from her spot in the dirt to drink water out of the buckets around the dog park.

So, that was our precious Caprica.  We took her somewhere, heaven on earth for dogs, expecting her to run and have a great time, make new friends, and just...be free.  Isn't that what God does for His Redeemed?  He has these plans for us--places for us to go, people to see, lives to live that we never would have imagined on our own.  All He asks is for us to follow Him.  Trust Him.  Instead, we follow Him to a point and then decide we would rather lie down and not go any further, or drink from the same empty barrels we have always attained, unwilling to trust Him entirely. 

I have no doubt that Caprica will come to love the doggy park and she will one day jump around, tongue lapping out the side of her mouth, and think she is just the most special dog in the world with all these new friends to play with.  But while we increase her 'comfort level' with the dog park, I hope God disturbs us in our comfort zone, beckoning us to come and follow Him, whether we are ready, tired, or thirsty.  

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