Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Matthew 1

Again, I took a break from writing.  Not because I didn't want to!  Many days I thought about it, yet allowed my blog writing to slip through the cracks while Parenthood took over.  I just love my son so much and have to watch him every moment he is awake....and some moments while he is asleep.  He is just so, peaceful.  I wonder if God's peace that He has given us is supposed to look like a peaceful sleeping babe to the outside world?

Yesterday I finished my year long (+ a few months) read through the Bible chronologically.  How great it was!  I learned things I hadn't known before, and reaffirmed my faith in so many ways.  My view of God's sovereignty has grown exponentially!  While reading through the New Testament, I decided I couldn't wait to get to the end and begin the New Testament.  Of course I will read through the Old again, but I really want to share with you, and me, each chapter of the New.  (I probably won't tackle Revelation though in this blog....we will see how God leads.)

So, Matthew 1:  The genealogy of Jesus Christ, fulfilling prophecies of Him being born of a virgin, in the line of David, from the seed of Abraham.  And then the birth of Jesus Christ!  Our Saviour.  He came to this world for the reason of redeeming His children.  His story does not end in Matthew 1.  Nor does it begin there.  His story began at the beginning of time.  All of creation waited for this moment, looking forward to the Messiah.  A song was being written since God created the heavens and the earth, and the birth of Christ was adding a new melody to His sonata. 

After Mary was found to be with child, Joseph resolved to divorce her quietly, since she had conceived before they wed.  Yet an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him to fear not, but that Mary had conceived this child by the Holy Spirit, and that He would save the people from their sins.  When Joseph awoke from his dream, he did as the angel commanded.  And Mary gave birth to a son.  They called Him Jesus, Immanuel, God with us. 

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